Evolution of a ring…This ring is giving me grief! It’s a custom piece for the same person who had me make the most recent pendant piece I posted. These are both stones that are special to her because her husband gave them to her. The pendant was a great project because it was, well, a pendant. And creating a custom wire-wrapped pendant from a loose stone is something I do all the time. But a ring from a loose stone is another project altogether! Because I create #wirewrapped jewelry, setting a loose stone is more of a challenge. I make all kinds of rings and have for years. Most incorporate semi-precious stones. B-u-t…they are normally stones that have been pre-drilled and turned into beads that can then be SECURED into a ring design. Loose stones are very difficult to set securely into a wire-wrap ring. And this stone is very small. And smooth. No ridges or bumps for the wire to grab onto.

I’m not done with it yet…She wants me to add some additional wraps at the top for balance…something I also figured would look best and was planning to do, anyhow. And I told her I’ll clean up any wires that are kind of “lumpy” or bumpy and smooth that out.
But she likes this design much better.
I’m glad.
I’m never getting paid as much as I should for the amount of time I’ve devoted to this project. But I’ve learned a valuable lesson.
No more custom pieces.
I have so many of my own stones and beads already on hand that I could probably work endlessly for the rest of my life and never run out of supplies or projects! But the biggest incentive for only creating my own pieces is that I have creative control over style, design, and most importantly…materials.
Don’t get me wrong…I love crafting special and meaningful pieces for people…
I just can’t reasonably charge what I should for the amount of time it takes me to complete a finished piece that I and the client are both happy with.